We're baking cookies. We have 4 ingredients which have 5 numeric properties (capacity, durability, flavor, texture and calories) . Our cookie takes 100 spoons of ingredients, we need to maximize the score (ignoring calories for part 1, getting exactly 500 calories for part 2).
There are many ways to mix the ingredients, from (100, 0, 0, 0) to (0, 0, 0, 100). Specificaly, there are 176847 ways. Problem space is small enough for brute force to be useful, large enough that it makes sense to optimize.
The puzzle calls for some combined combinatorics (pun intended). First, generate all combinations with replacement of numbers from 0 to 100 that together add up to 100. Then, generate permutations of those. Why "with replacement"? Because the numbers can repeat, we might have 20 spoons of first ingredient and 20 spoons of the second ingredient. Why permutations? Because the first operation disregards order, eg. if it tries (1, 2, 3, 94) it won't try (94, 1, 2, 3) because these are the same elements in a different order. We need permutations for that. Both are available in the itertools module.
First version of the code was slow, so I used tqdm module (from PyPI) to add a progress bar. After some fixes, the program finishes in a second, so it's not really needed, but I left it anyway. Maybe someone wants to run it on a 386?
import re
from itertools import permutations, combinations_with_replacement
from tqdm import tqdm
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Ingredient:
name: str
capacity: int
durability: int
flavor: int
texture: int
calories: int
class Cookie:
calories: int
totalscore: int
def __init__(self, ingr: tuple) -> None:
global ingredients
for num, amount in enumerate(ingr):
capacity += amount*ingredients[num].capacity
durability += amount*ingredients[num].durability
flavor += amount*ingredients[num].flavor
texture += amount*ingredients[num].texture
self.calories += amount*ingredients[num].calories
# any negative becomes 0
capacity = max(capacity, 0)
durability = max(durability, 0)
flavor = max(flavor, 0)
texture = max(texture, 0)
# parse input file
rx=re.compile( r"(\w+): capacity (\-?\d+), durability (\-?\d+), flavor (\-?\d+), texture (\-?\d+), calories (\-?\d+)" )
with open(FILENAME) as inputfile:
for line in inputfile:
name, capacity, durability, flavor, texture, calories = rx.match(line).groups()
ingredients.append(Ingredient(name, int(capacity), int(durability), int(flavor), int(texture), int(calories)))
# calculate permutations
ingr_combinations=[ i for i in combinations_with_replacement(range(MAXSIZE), num_ingredients) if sum(i)==MAXSIZE ]
print (f"Got {len(ingr_combinations)} combinations, calculating permutations of combinations")
for combination in ingr_combinations:
for i in permutations(combination):
print(f"Got {len(ingr_permutations)} permutations of combinations")
# bake cookies
for recipe in tqdm(ingr_permutations):
maxscore=max(maxscore, cookie.totalscore)
if cookie.calories == TARGETCALORIES and cookie.totalscore > maxwithtarget:
print("Part 1, max score: ", maxscore)
print("Part 2, max score: ", maxwithtarget)