2015 day 19: Medicine for Rudolph

Part 1

We need a medicine for Rudolph. We've got a starting molecule and a list of possible replacements. First part was too easy: calculate how many molecules can be made with a single replacements. Tricky bits are:

  • when creating new molecule, I added them to the set and checked the set's length, that way I filtered out duplicate results,
  • I had to use a tricky way to replace first, second..., nth occurence.

Part 2

Then the second part: how many steps we need to reach the target molecule from a single electron? I admit I had to check how other people did it. It was obvious for me I should check the other way around: from the molecule to the electron. And a proper parser should help. I could write them when I was at the uni, but I happily forgot them and hope to never need them again. I'm OK with regexps and such, but I run away screaming when I hear about CNF, context-free grammar and so on.

Some people had luck with a randomized brute-force search: try to apply all the replacement rules, if a dead-end was reached, shuffle the rules and try again. They said they reached a single electron in only a few shuffles. I allowed for 200 thousands and only got some short molecules that couldn't be reduced any further.

I also tried some order in my replacements. I noticed there are different types of rules: some duplicate the element, some generate a group containing Rn, Ar and something in between. Some generate an element from an electron. I tried running them in different orders, trying to eliminate longer pieces first. Reached a dead end every time.

In desperation, I based my solution on the analisys by CdiTheKing: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/3xflz8/comment/cy4h7ji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

It feels like cheating because I barely understand the reasoning and couldn't reach it myself. But I don't want to spend more time on the puzzle that's no fun.



import re


with open(INPUTFILE) as inputfile:
    for line in inputfile:
        if line=='':
        elif done_replacements:
            replacements.append( line.split(" => ") )

print("molecule: ", molecule)
#print("replacements: ", replacements)

# part 1
for to_find,to_replace in replacements:
    for m in re.finditer(to_find, molecule): # gives list of positions where to_find string can be found in molecule
        #print(f"Replacing {to_find} with {to_replace} on position {index}")
        newmolecule=molecule[:index] + to_replace + molecule[index+len(to_find):]
        newmolecules.add(newmolecule) # need to add to a set, not just count, to skip duplicates

print("Part 1, number of molecules: ", len(newmolecules))

# part 2

num_capitals=sum(1 for char in molecule if char.isupper())
rx1=re.compile( r"Y" )
rx2=re.compile( r"Rn" )
rx3=re.compile( r"Ar" )
num_y =len(rx1.findall(molecule))
#print(f" atoms {num_capitals} y {num_y}  rn {num_rn} ar {num_ar}"  )
print("Part 2, min number of transforms: ", num_capitals-num_rn-num_ar-2*num_y-1)