We need to generate data that would fill a disk of a specific size, than calculate the checksum. Algorithm for generating and for checksum is described, unusual but nothing complicated.
For part 1, disk has a size 272 and for part 2: 35651584. This year, many problems were easy to solve with a simple algorithm for part 1, but part 2 made a problem space much bigger, requiring a clever solution. If that was supposed to be one of them, it didn't work. Sure, I guess there is a way to calculate the checksum without actually generating and then iterating over 35 million characters. But my program runs in 7 seconds and uses less RAM then the editor I used to write it.
def dragon(a: str) ->str:
b="".join("0" if c=="1" else "1" for c in reversed(a))
return a+"0"+b
def checksum(data: str) -> str:
for i in range(0,len(data)-1,2):
csum += "1" if data[i]==data[i+1] else "0"
return csum if len(csum)%2 else checksum(csum)
def get_checksum_for_disk(initval: str, size: int):
while len(data)<=size:
return checksum(data)
print(f"Part 1: {get_checksum_for_disk(INPUT,272)}")
print(f"Part 2: {get_checksum_for_disk(INPUT,35651584)}")