Elves passing presents in a (large) circle. For part 1 - to the next elf, part 2 - to the elf sitting opposite. Elf without presents is eliminated.
I tried brute force first - worked for part 1, but was too slow for part 2. So we need to work smarter.
Part 1
I didn't know the problem described here, but I thought the name must mean something and googled for "Joseph algorithm". Google was smart enough to find "Josephus algorithm" for me. A standard solution for Josephus algorithm (I'm not pretending I invented it) also worked for part 1.
Part 2
There are generalized Josephus solutions for finding survivor with a group of size n with a step of k. So, if we modify k at each step to be number_of_remaining _elves//2, that would work, right? Wrong. Well, it should work, probably I made some off-by-1 errors or something like that, but I couldn't make it right.
Instead, I checked the answer on paper for some low numbers to try and find a pattern.
1 : 1
2 : 1
3 : 3
4 : 1
5 : 2
6 : 3
7 : 5
8 : 7
9 : 9
10 : 1
11 : 2
12 : 3
13 : 4
14 : 5
15 : 6
16 : 7
17 : 8
18 : 9
19 : 11
20 : 13
One elf keeps its present. If there are 2, first one wins. That's just a special case that
needs to be dealt with if n<3
. What do we have next? For 3 and 9 we're getting 3 and 9.
These numbers are powers of 3. Concidence?
So for our number of elves, we need to find the nearest power of 3 that's smaller then that. Logarithm will give us the exponent (hey, I still remember something from high school maths!) and luckily Python has a function for calculating logarithm with an arbitrary base, not only natural logarithm like many languages. That saved me a terrible burden of replacing a base-3 logarithm with a natural logarithm (just kidding, that would be one extra operation).
Then, for the next few steps, we're just getting one element away from the nearest power of 3.
After that, something happens. We're not moving by 1, but by 2? Some more trial end error
coding got me at 2*n-3*closestpower
and I have to admit I have no idea why, must be something
to do with maths, but it works.
from math import log
def josephus(n: int) -> int:
l = n - (1 << (n.bit_length() - 1))
return 2*l + 1
def josephus2(n: int) -> int:
if n<3:
return 1
if n-closestpower <= closestpower:
return n-closestpower
return 2*n-3*closestpower
print(f"Part 1, {josephus(NUM_ELVES)}")
print(f"Part 2, {josephus2(NUM_ELVES)}")